Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Carl Stauffer
M.S. Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
B.A., Middlebury College
Ph.D, George Mason University
February 26, 2013 12:00pm through 2:00pm
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about practical engagement in conflict?
Come and join the Center for Peacemaking Practice for our bi-weekly Practitioner Lunches.
Lunches are open to anyone interested in attending, regardless of experience!
February 26th - Dr. Carl Stauffer - "Walking in the Fire - Trauma and Peacebuilding Practice
Join Dr. Carl Stauffer, Assistant Professor at the Center for Justice and
Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, as he speaks about his
engagement as a pracititoner in conflict zones over the past decades, and his
own process of reflection and learning from these experiences.
Details of Dr. Stauffer's talk:
For the purists and the technocrats, the disciplines of trauma recovery and
peacebuilding are supposedly best kept apart. However, my experience in the
field for 16 years in Africa, tells me something different. Firstly, our efforts at
diplomatic relationship/trust building and political peace talks will be disrupted if
we do not give careful attention to trauma and its complexities. Second, when it
comes to post-war contexts, research indicates that if we fail to pay attention to
trauma and its aftermaths, the reintegration efforts of ex-combatants, abductees, and the absorbing communities is severely hampered. Thirdly, in transitional justice processes, trauma of the past and the collective memorialization are deeply linked - the wounds of history, if not identified and transformed will revisit one generation after another. Finally, without caring for ourselves by addressing the secondary/vicarious trauma that we experience as peacebuilding practitioners on the frontlines, we will become casualties to the 'cause'.
Everyone Welcome! Lunch Provided
**Please RSVP to [email protected]*
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