Center for Peacemaking Practice Lunch - Dr. Vern Redekop
M.S. Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
B.A., Middlebury College
Ph.D, George Mason University
November 13, 2012 12:00pm through 2:00pm
Do you learn from your own engagement in conflict? Are you interested in sharing you practical experience with others, or learning more about practical engagement in conflict?
Come and join the Center for Peacemaking Practice for our bi-weekly Practitioner Lunches.
Lunches are open to anyone interested in attending, regardless of experience!
November 13th - "Reconciliation and Economic Development"
Join Dr. Vern Redekop, from the Conflict Studies Program at St. Paul University,
as he speaks about his experience with Reconciliation and Economic
Development, details below:
Nearly two decades after the fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
unemployment is high, sixty per cent of youth want to leave, the grey market is
over thirty per cent of the economy and participation in the misery systems is
high. Similar conditions exist in other post conflict situations and among
Aboriginal people in Canada. The paradox is that any way out of the situation
has to come from the communities themselves; however, on the other hand,
levels of trauma and distrust are such that this becomes virtually impossible. Economic Development Based on Reconciliation is based on three-day community conversations (dialogues) during which 24-48 representative community members systematically address the challenges facing their community, often working in sub-groups of eight. We will explore the evolution of the process, lessons learned from testing it at Hobbema in Alberta, Canada, latest developments in the Balkans and Canada, and the more general challenges of doing community-based participatory action research.
Everyone Welcome! Lunch Provided!
**Please RSVP to [email protected]**
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- Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation Inaugural Issue: "The South Caucasus and Its Neighborhood. From Politics and Economics to Group Rights" - (Susan H. Allen)
- Engagement with de facto states: The need for a comprehensive EU policy framework for the South Caucasus - (Susan H. Allen)