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Dialogue and Difference Discussion - World War III
Event and Presentation
Brydin Banning
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BA Communication, George Mason University
Awards and Honor:
Dialogue and Difference Discussion - World War III
Event Date:
April 24, 2012 07:00PM through 09:00PM
Event Location: Fairfax Campus SUB II, Rooms 3&4
Topics of Interest:
Dialogue & Difference
Event Type: Event
World War III: Is It Eminent and What Can We Do to Stop It?
Join us as we discuss the prophesized end of days as a result of the final war, WW3. We will explore the possibility of such a war and the preventative methods to stop it from becoming a reality.
Co-Sponsored by the School for Conflict Analysis and Resoltuion, the Dialogue and Difference Project, and the Honors College
Contact Patricia Maulden ([email protected]) with questions. Refreshments will be provided.
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Fairfax Campus SUB II, Rooms 3&4