ICAR Conflict Prevention Domain ICAR Brownbag Presentation
Ph.D. Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
M.A. Communication Studies, New Mexico State University
Master of Public Health: Global Health, George Mason University
Bachelor of Arts: Integrative Studies/Health Education, Minor: Psychology, George Mason University
November 29, 2006 12:00PM through 1:30PM
Topic: CONFLICT PREVENTION is a key topic for the field of conflict Resolution. It also raises many important questions about what prevention is, how to tell whether it works , and how to overcome challenges to preventive action.
ICAR's new CONFLICT PREVENTION DOMAIN gathers the accumulated knowledge about prevention in one place. It answers key questions, and also generates new ones.
Please join us for an introduction to this online "living" resource. This orientation is only offered once a year!!! We want your input on using the Domain, and new research on prevention.