The School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution
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Topic of interest Magazine Articles
What does it mean to be pro-Israel today?
Transitional Justice and Political Pre-transition in Zimbabwe
The Lesson of the Bad Cop in Two Party Democracies
Poetry Of Neoliberal Fascism And Ways Of Reading: Turkey And The Gezi Park Protests
Iraq: Protest, Democracy, and Autocracy
Obama won't be able to repeat his China climate change deal in India. Here's the next best thing.
Human Rights, Sovereign Rights, & the Potentials of Conflict Resolution
Art Damage - Reflections on Shepard Fairey's Murals in Cincinnati
The International Donor System: Uncovering Structural Flaws
The Populist Pivot
The Death of Bin Laden
Who actually suffers from a boycott of Jerusalem?
Zones of Peace: A Framework for Analysis
Israel drops democracy for membership in elite Mideast club
SADC Interventions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Transition in Ethiopia
Get on the Right Side of History
Syria in Search of a Political Solution: Toward Functional Coexistence
The Mysterious Inner World of Spiritual Peacebuilders
Aziz Abu Sarah Why did so few Palestinians march for statehood on Friday?
Conflict Work After Kony 2012
Revolution Revisited: Re-reading Rosa Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution
Violent protests are the true insult to Islam
The March for Freedom in Libya
A Jewish adventure in a Palestinian refugee camp
Secret Communications Should be About More Than Threats
Fatah-Hamas reconciliation key for Palestinian strategy to end the occupation
Invisible Pilots at the Center of a Storm
Neoliberal Interventionism: American Adventures in Healthcare
Challenging the evangelical bias against Palestinians
Do Muslims and Jews have equal freedom of religion under Israel’s rule?
Book Review - Work: Capitalism. Economics. Resistance.
A Clear and Present Danger to Planet Earth: Climate Change
A Plea for Rejectionist Electioneering
The Flotilla and the Necessity of the Public Critique
Introducing Reflections
For Palestinians, the Nakba is not history
National Geographic's 2011 Emerging Explorers: Aziz Abu Sarah, cultural educator and Middle East peace worker
The Strategic Value of Forgiveness
Diasporas Shape Politics Back Home from Afar
Mosque attacks: On the rise since 2009, but no indictments
Syria and the Fatal Flaw in American Foreign Policy
Iraq’s protests test Maliki’s leadership
Israeli housing protest makes no connection to the occupation
American Civil Religion: Mythology and Narrative
Where’s the just enemy of the American empire when you need it? A Schmittean response to Robert D. Kaplan
The Palestinian dilemma: Between ideology and reality
The Nation Interviews Michael Shank: "A Real December Review for Afghanistan"
Conflict Resolution Commandos: A Response to the Flotilla
A Different Approach to Russia, China, in terms of Syrian and Global Governance
We are seeing dictators inspiring dictators to resist
Take a Walk on the Slutty Side: A sociological take on SlutWalk
Iraq’s Islamic divisions intensify
Responding to the Stalemate in Yemen
#J14 takes up cause of Gilad Shalit in a bid to keep momentum
Sudan president seeks tribal help disarm Darfur rebels
Saleh Falls
Occupy and the Absence of Systemic Conflict Resolution
H.B. 1070: The Beginning of Genocide?
Twitter Revolution: The Misappropriation of Cause and Effect
Palestinians asked to close their shops for Jerusalem Day
Wrong is Wrong, No Matter Who Says It: Critical Conflict Engagement
Humanitarian Hubris and the Politics of Violence
Israel’s Channel 2 accuses Fatah leader of extremism by misquoting him
The Challenges of Leadership in Post-Conflict Transitions: Lessons from Africa
After Violence
If Left to Their Own Devices: Police Provocation & Terrorists' Tendency to Fail
Regularly Confronting Discrimination at Ben Gurion Airport
President Abbas calls for a Palestinian spring in September
The New Normal - America in the Age of Permanent Emergency
Fresh price tag attack against Jerusalem monastery; no arrests made
Fwd: fwd: A Good Story
Peacemaking in Darfur: A Structural Dilemma
Are we rational? How biases could make war with Iran a possibility
Burn Offering
Twitter: A Magnifier of Intent
Tanzania's Rising Star
Mer Khamis murder: Palestinians must reinforce freedom of expression
Alquds: Abbas is considering dismantling the P.A.
Tunisia’s Lessons for the Middle East. Why the First Arab Spring Transition Worked Best
J-Street: A Palestinian’s perspective
For Elise: Social Ecology in the 21st Century
Erdoğan the Saint, Erdoğan the Sinner: Quo Vadis Turkey?
My Brother’s Kippa: a Palestinian’s Entry to his Hometown
Mubarak, a dictator for hire as next Israeli president
Prague, Czech Republic - Museum of Communism
Bradley Manning, Collateral Murder, Truth, and Power
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Center for Peacemaking Practice
Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict
Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution
Center for World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
Indonesia - U.S. Youth Leadership Program
Dialogue and Difference
Insight Conflict Resolution Program
Parents of the Field Project
Program on History, Memory, and Conflict
Project on Contentious Politics
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