The Counterproductive ‘Sea of Sameness’ in PME

Newspaper Article
Ellen Haring
Ellen Haring
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The Counterproductive ‘Sea of Sameness’ in PME
Written: By S-CAR
Author: Joan Johnson-Freese, Ellen Haring, and Marybeth Ulrich
Published Date: July 01, 2014

It is widely conceded that hearing those who are least like us is most helpful in broadening our thinking, and that is so at the institutional level including the military. It is also understood that promoting diversity largely depends on having enough believers among the ranks of those who can make things happen. To give minority and women's views sufficient weight, current leaders must act to ensure wider minority/women's presence on faculties of military schools. There is scant likelihood that quality female faculty will be enticed to senior academic posts if candidates believe they will be marginalized. For these voices to be heard, Congress, Boards of Visitors, and other influential parties must monitor rates of progress toward attaining diversity mileposts.

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