Teaching about Global Complexity: Experiential Conflict Resolution Pedagogy in Higher Education Classrooms
Ph.D., Conflict Resolution, University of Bradford, UK 2012
M.A., Conflict Resolution (with Merit), University of Bradford, UK
Ph.D., Anthropology, 1990, Duke University, Thesis: Gender and Disputing, Insurgent Voices in Coastal Kenyan Muslim Courts
B.A., Anthropology, 1982, Yale College, Magna cum laude with distinction in Anthropology.
Ph.D., Political Science 2002, University of Virginia, Dissertation:Historical Legacies and Policy Choice: Public Sector Reform in Poland, Egypt, Mexico and the Czech Republic 1991-1992 Fellow at the Center for Arabic Studies Abroad (CASA)
M.A., Political Science 1991, The New York University
This article examines the utility of experiential learning activities (ELAs) for teaching about global complexity and conflict resolution in higher education classrooms. It focuses on two key concepts: the nexus between global and local and the precarity experienced within global processes. Research on two ELAs, a multisession simulation and a single-session image analysis, each designed for use in conflict resolution courses, produced extensive data on student learning. The analysis presented demonstrates that for many students, the ELAs resulted in greater engagement with course materials, more nuanced understandings of global complexity, and increased ability to link theory to practice.