Look to Iran for a solution in Syria

Newspaper Article
Dennis Sandole
Dennis Sandole
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Look to Iran for a solution in Syria
Written: By S-CAR
Publication: Financial Times
Published Date: September 10, 2013

Sir, There are a limited number of people who can influence Bashar al-Assad and Barack Obama is clearly not one of them. Among those that can is the leadership of the Syrian regime’s neighbouring supporter, Iran. Hassan Rouhani, Iran’s recently elected president, has already indicated that he is committed to finding a way out of the international crisis over Iran’s contentious nuclear programme. Also, in sharp contrast to the anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli ravings of his predecessor, he has recently sent a tweet to Jews worldwide wishing them “a blessed Rosh Hashana”. These are clear, “outside the box” signs that Mr Rouhani is reaching out to the west, perhaps even hinting at a resolution of the crisis over Syria.

There is historical precedent. Shortly after 9/11, Iranian Revolutionary Guards helped the US and its allies by working with the Northern Alliance to overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan (Iran’s “reward” was to be lumped together with Iraq and North Korea as the “Axis of Evil” by the George W Bush administration). Mr Rouhani seems to be signalling that Iran is ready to play this counterintuitive role again. A possible deal could feature Mr Rouhani making Mr Assad “an offer he cannot refuse” – including a way out – in return for cessation of aggression against the Syrian opposition. The US (and others) could offer to help put in place an effective process of “dialogue among enemies” and rebuild Syria in a manner cognisant of lessons learnt in Iraq, to lift sanctions against Iran, and to assist Iran in the development of a peaceful nuclear energy programme that is not a threat to Israel.

At minimum, the US could help to stop the slaughter in Syria and end the international crisis over Iran’s nuclear programme – another potential “red line” fiasco – with implications for enhancing Israel’s security, nipping in the bud a potential nuclear arms race between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and restoring America’s credibility. Extremist groups in Syria would remain an issue, but let’s deal with this crisis one step at a time in a complex journey that could profit all concerned by going via Tehran.


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