Palestinian Child Attackers Are Victims, Not Terrorists

Newspaper Article
Carol Daniel Kasbari
Carol Daniel Kasbari
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Palestinian Child Attackers Are Victims, Not Terrorists
Written: By S-CAR
Author: Carol Daniel Kasbari
Publication: Haaretz
Published Date: November 17, 2015
Topics of Interest: Terrorism, Violence, Youth

As a mother, I call on you Israelis to see that these children are like your children - innocent and ignorant about what’s best for them - but they don’t see a future. As a Palestinian, I call on the Palestinian leadership to denounce attacks by children and start a non-violent resistance movement that can lead us to freedom.

One more stabbing of an Israeli. One more bullet shot at an 11-year-old Palestinian. Another stabbing. Why are 11- and 13-year-old Palestinian kids running to hell like that?


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The article was also published in Arabic on November 18, 2015 or read the article here and in Hebrew on December 3rd, 2015 or read the article here.

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