Dissertation Proposal: Culture, Power, and Conflict Resolution in North-South Peacebuilding Partnerships: Practitioner Stories from the Field -- Seth Cohen
PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
M.A. in Intercultural Communication, University of New Mexico
November 21, 2011 12:00PM through 1:30PM
Culture, Power, and Conflict Resolution in North-South Peacebuilding Partnerships: Practitioner Stories from the Field
This study seeks to advance understanding of North-South peacebuilding partnerships through the lenses of conflict resolution/transformation practitioners who work in interethnic and intercultural conflict settings. The proposed investigation into cases of peacebuilding partnerships will give Northern and Southern "Peacebuilders" the opportunity to reflect on their actions and offer the field of conflict resolution and peacebuilding much needed knowledge on the reciprocal relationship between practice and theory. Peacebuilding efforts and conflict resolution practice stand to benefit by knowing how these partnerships are working out from the perspective of both Northern and Southern practitioners as well as how they address some of the dilemmas of identity, culture, and power that can complicate partnerships.