Johan Galtung TRANSCEND 9-stage Approach to Conflict and Peace - One Day Workshop for ICAR Students
Master of Public Health: Global Health, George Mason University
Bachelor of Arts: Integrative Studies/Health Education, Minor: Psychology, George Mason University
Candidatus Realium In Mathematics, 1956, University of Oslo
Magister Artium In Sociology, University of Oslo
November 5, 2006 10:30am through 4:00pm
On Sunday, November 5, Johan Galtung, a founder of peace research and director of TRANSCEND, will
offer his famous workshop on the TRANSCEND 9stage approach to conflict and peace. Time: 10:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Place: ICAR Room 555. Participants will be divided into dialogue groups of 6 to solve
exercise problems. Basic text for the workshop is Johan Galtung, Transcend @ Transform, Boulder CO:
Paradigm, 2004. For TRANSCEND see The workshop is free to all ICAR students.
If you have never seen Johan in action, now is your chance.
Johan Galtung is one of those rare individuals who manages to integrate rigorous scholarship and
research, the development of innovative educational programs around the world, social activism, and high level consultation/mediation in many of the world's major trouble spots. He is generally regarded as the father of modern peace research and education, having founded the world's first Peace Research Institute in Oslo in 1959, which remains one of the leading institutes of its kind. Over the past 40 years his bibliography requires a book in itself, identifying 95 books and over 1000 articles. One of the many innovative concepts and terms developed by Professor Galtung that has become widely known is that of structural violence, first articulated in his book by that title. His writings reflect original thinking across an incredibly broad range of issues the European Community as an emerging superpower, violence and imperialism, terrorism, nonviolent defence, Gandhi, alternatives to NATO, the SALT Negotiations, methodology in sociology, economic sanctions, peace culture, and the role of the media in peace and conflict situations to name but a few.
His scholarship and personal support have led to the development of many university based peace study programmes around the world. He currently holds academic positions in Germany, Japan, Italy, China, Sweden and Norway. His training programmes have been provided to various UN missions, as well as government officials, NGOs, and journalists around the world. However, Professor Galtung is no armchair academic. His involvement in advising governments and conflict protagonists span four decades, and inform his conceptual works. Professor Galtung
understands the real life practical aspects of deadly conflicts, and the difficulties of both preventing
violence from occurring, as well as attempting to return to normalcy after violence has erupted..
He has acted as an expert consultant in such diverse conflict situations as Somalia, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, South Caucasus, the Basque area in Spain and France, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, the Israeli Palestinian conflict, and those dealing with China, Tibet and Taiwan. He has been involved in over 20 visits to both North and South Korea since 1972. His last two visits were with Kim Dae Jung as President of South Korea, where issues of reconciliation were discussed. (In August, Professor Galtung is scheduled to conduct training sessions in Pyongyang and on the PeaceBoat during a cruise from Japan to North Korea and backon conflict transformation and reconciliation).
Professor Galtung was also instrumental in helping to bring a peaceful end to the series of four border
wars between Peru and Ecuador – his suggestion of transforming the disputed territory into a jointly
administered nature park was written into a treaty between the two countries in 1999. In addition to
being recognized with various honorary degrees, Professor Galtung is also the recipient of the Right
Livelihood Award (aka the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize) in 1987, the
Norwegian Humanist Prize in 1988, the Socrates Prize for Adult Education in 1990, the Bajaj
International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values in 1993, the Alo'ha International Award in 1995, and
ten honorary doctorates. Early in his career, Professor Galtung was an active journalist, and has
since collaborated with the BBC World Service.
He is currently the Director of TRANSCEND, an international Peace and Development Network. The
website for TRANSCEND is located at . TRANSCEND Approach manuals: