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Roosevelt @ Mason presents: An Oxford Debate
Event and Presentation
Roosevelt @ Mason presents: An Oxford Debate
Event Date:
March 30, 2017 7:00pm through 9:00PM
Event Location: Fairfax Campus, Innovation Room 103
Past EventEvent Type: Event
Roosevelt @ Mason
in partnership with
the Global Affairs Department and School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
Oxford Debate: This house believes the press should be the 'fourth branch' of government
Thursday, March 30, 2017
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Innovation Room 103
4450 University Drive
Fairfax Campus
Roosevelt @ Mason's first Oxford Debate will bring together students, academics, and professionals to discuss the motion, "This house believes the press should be the 'fourth branch' of government." While the debate will primarily focus on the arguments of the speaker, audience members will be allowed to raise point of information and will have a platform to give speeches at the end.
Fairfax Campus, Innovation Room 103