Rwandan Peacemaker and Quaker Pastor: David Bucura

Event and Presentation
Bridget Moix
Bridget Moix
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Rwandan Peacemaker and Quaker Pastor: David Bucura
Event Date:

April 16, 2013 12:00PM through 1:30PM

Event Location: Arlington Campus, Truland Building Room 555
Past Event
Event Type: Event

David Bucura will discuss the impact of Healing and Rebuilding Our Community (HROC) in Central Africa through the lens of transformative mediation for reconciliation and the cultural impact of Children’s Peace Libraries. (Brown Bag)

Tuesday April 16th 
Truland Building 555


Mr. Bucura’s work with Healing and Rebuilding Our Community (HROC) in Central Africa focuses on helping heal the post trauma stress of the wars, conflicts, genocides that have ravaged the region.  HROC has brought the community together to help heal the traumatized people including widows, rape survivors and orphans.

Transformative Mediation has also been used and over 2,000 people have been trained in DRC, Rwanda and Burundi.  Almost 1200 cases have been mediated and the mediators are still doing problem solving among people, families and communities. These mediating cases were often keys for reconciliation.

Mr. Bucura will also discuss the three Children’s Peace Libraries that have been established throughout Rwanda.  These libraries inspire a culture of reading, sharing knowledge, practicing English and even developing peer mediation skills.  Children are even leading mediations to help figure out how they can step into problem solver roles themselves.


David Bucura graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from the Universite Libre des Pays de Grans Lacs (DRC) and obtained a Master’s degree in Leadership Studies from the Nairobi International School of Theology (Kenya). He was born in Rwanda, and has lived in Central Africa. He is a peacemaker and a pastor of the Friends Church in Rwanda. He is an AVP facilitator, transformative mediation facilitator and the Clerk of the FWCC-Africa Section. He is the Central Africa Coordinator for the African Great Lakes Initiative


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