Ph.D, University of Nebraska
B.A, University of Nebraska
For many years Dr. Edwin and Mrs. Helen Lynch, endowers of the Vernon M. and Minnie I. Lynch Chair in Conflict Resolution, have been most supportive of this Center. Dr. Lynch and other members of an Advisory Board; the chairman Douglas Adams; the tireless organizer Drucie Cumbie, whose husband, Steve, has now endowed the Drucie French Cumbie Chair in Conflict Resolution in her honor; and others who came regularly to monthly meetings have, along with President Johnson, acted largely on the basis of faith, asking few questions about direction and philosophy involved in this new a-disciplinary study of conflict and its resolution.
I wish this evening to promote further the valuable interaction that this Center enjoys with members of its Advisory Board, the university ad- ministration, and its other supporters, and to invite observations on a fundamental issue: the evolving mission of the Center.