GMU Alumni of the Year Award Nominee- 2014

Awards and Honors
David E. Toohey
David E. Toohey
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GMU Alumni of the Year Award Nominee- 2014

The Faculty of S-CAR has nominated Dr. Toohey for GMU's Alumni of the Year Award.

"[S-CAR] would like to nominate David E. Toohey. [S-CAR] consider him one of the most outstanding emerging scholars in a large field of peace and conflict studies, migration and ethnicity as well as global culture. He has a well received book on global culture and communication and guest edited the upcoming issue of the International Journal of Peace Studies on the topic of exclusion and marginalization. His writing is quite provocative intellectually, and he is a methodical thinker. He is rare scholarly material, and is currently an assistant professor at a Japanese University."

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