David H. Young

David H. Young
Civilian Advisor to the U.S. Army


In various capacities, David H. Young has worked or consulted for the US Army in Afghanistan, the International Rescue Committee, the Carter Center, the Israel Policy Forum, the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, Abraham’s Vision and Soliya. Most recently, he deployed to eastern Afghanistan as a Social Scientist for the US Army’s Human Terrain System, where he served as a civilian advisor to Coalition Forces, mainly in Laghman and Nuristan Provinces.

Young has been a regular guest on the Voice of America, a blogger for the Huffington Post, and an election monitor in the Former Soviet Union for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Northern Ireland, West Africa, Afghanistan and Israel/Palestine.

Young's writing has appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, Le Monde Diplomatique, Asia Times, Pakistan’s The Dawn, Beirut’s Daily Star, Israel’s Yediot Ahronoth, Al Jazeera Magazine, Al Arabiya, Middle East Times, World Politics Review, Transitions Online, Eurasia Insight, European Affairs Journal and elsewhere. My commentaries have also been syndicated in various other outlets in the US, UK, UAE, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, France, Czech Republic, Belgium, Moldova, the Republic of Georgia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

He has a Master’s Degree from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. His website is www.justwars.org.

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