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Religion and Education in Tajikistan: Toward Tolerant Civic Society
Papers and Reports
Sandra Cheldelin
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BS, Sociology, 1969, Oregon State University
MEd, Psychological Foundations of Education, 1971 , University of Florida, Certification to teach psychology at community colleges
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Religion and Education in Tajikistan: Toward Tolerant Civic Society
Author: Sandra Cheldelin.
Series: Papers and Reports
Short Title: Religion and Education in Tajikistan
Published Date: November 01, 2007
From 1992 to 1997, Tajikistan experienced a multi-layered civil war between excommunists on the one hand and a coalition of “democrats” and Islamists on the other, between Uzbeks and Tajiks, between Tajiks from different regions of Tajikistan, and even between forces supposedly fighting on the same side in the civil war. In 1997, fighting largely came to an end through a power-sharing agreement that placed the Islamic/democratic opposition into government positions that had previously been the exclusive preserve of the ex-communists.
Papers and Reports By this Author