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Aziz Abu Sarah
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Topics of Interest:
Activism, Advocacy, CRDC, Budgeting, Business, Narrative, Civil Society, Program Design, Conflict Resolution, Middle East, Culture, Training, Development, Dialogue, Program Administration, Diplomacy, Economic Development, Education, Ethics, Evaluation, Justice, Media, Narrative, PeaceBuilding, Politics, Reconciliation, Religion, Social Entrepreneurship, Youth
Awards and Honor:
MEMRI: Special Dispatch - No. 2398
In an article titled "A Palestinian Remembers the Lessons of the Holocaust" published May 13, 2009 by the Lebanese Daily Star and on other websites, Aziz Abu Sarah wrote that he had watched the film Schindler's List to mark International Holocaust Day. He notes that while growing up, he had never known much about that Holocaust, and that he had felt as if "by acknowledging the victims' pain, I would betray or marginalize my own suffering [as a Palestinian]"but that "I decided there is no way I can understand and communicate with my Jewish friends if i don't learn their history.