Dr. Jeremy Rinker- UNCG Campus Weekly

Newspaper Article
Jeremy Rinker
Jeremy Rinker
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Dr. Jeremy Rinker- UNCG Campus Weekly
Written: About S-CAR
Author: Staff Writer
Published Date: April 19, 2016

Dr. Jeremy Rinker (Peace and Conflict Studies) gave a talk commemorating the 125 birth anniversary of Indian social reformer Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. This is an event that is sponsored by The Ambedkar Association of North America (ANNA) and the Religious Studies Department of Michigan State University. He delivered the paper “Chosen Traumas and Chosen Glories: Reading Dr. Ambedkar as Narrative for Social Change” last weekend in East Lansing. The paper explores the power of storytelling for social change in the life and work of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and his modern day followers. Specifically, the paper/talk will look at the role that stories of injustice and triumph play in his life and work, as well as, the life and work of his living followers. Rinker is an assistant professor at UNCG’s Department of Peace and Conflict Studies where he researches the intersections between narrative, violent conflict, and nonviolent conflict transformation. His work on the Ambedkar-Buddhist social movement in Maharashtra, India is a provocative approach to the connections between justice, narrative and identity. While much of his research has focused on the centrality of justice discourse in religiously based social change movements, he also has interest in restorative justice, political violence, and conflict intervention practices, as well as, trauma, memory, and reconciliation. Rinker is currently engaged in a research project that looks at how marginalized communities utilize discursive practices to contest against an unresponsive state malfeasance and hegemonic bureaucracy to ensure basic rights and state services for the marginalized.

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